







“I have come to respect and to appreciate Brother Randy Chovan deeply while pastoring with him in Washington State. He has spoken for me in unique venues with great blessing. I have also observed that his own men really respect their pastor as he has ministered in retreats and conferences. Perhaps the great strength of his preaching is that it is extremely biblical. His messages are obviously from Heaven. He is one of God’s gifted and called servants to this special ministry that will benefit churches. Mrs. Chovan will also be a blessing to your ladies if you have such a need.” Dr. Thomas Neiman
Galilee Baptist Church
Kent, WA

I have known Evangelist Randy Chovan for several years now. I am the pastor of his sending church. He is without question a godly man that is committed wholeheartedly to his Lord and as a result serves Him faithfully. As I have observed his ministry it is readily evident that he does the work of an evangelist as set forth in Eph. 4:12 in that he is faithfully engaged in three specific areas within his local churches where he ministers in his itinerant ministry, as well as his sending home church.  He fervently works in the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, and the edifying of the body of Christ. Like evangelist Philip in the book of Acts Brother Randy does the work of an evangelist in communicating the gospel to lost people.
God has used his preaching to bring thousands to a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I appreciate Brother Randy’s approach in preaching and presenting the gospel without any psychological tactics. He simply presents the gospel and lets the Spirit of God work on hearts. I like the fact that he insists on careful counseling when someone responds to the preaching of God’s Word.

Even with his extremely busy schedule and heavy work load Evangelist Chovan still makes it a priority to maintain a loving relationship with his wife Grace and son Jonathon. They often travel with him even to remote locations. I am thankful to have Evangelist Chovan and his family as members of our church. They have been a blessing to us and we look forward to serving together with them in the years ahead as we wait upon our Lord. Ed Deel, Huntsville Bible Baptist Church

“I have had the privilege of hearing Randy Chovan speak several times in churches at which I was the pastor in New York State and in California. Randy does not bring embarrassment to the church, nor to the pastor’s ministry. He is respectful to the pastor and desires to be a servant of the Lord. He is sincere in his ministry. His goal is to preach the Word of God, to edify and encourage the believers, and to evangelize the lost. Other evangelists may prefer to use many illustrations and anecdotes outside the Bible when they preach. Randy stays close to the Scriptures. He is a student of the Word of God and is doctrinally sound. Randy, his wife Grace, and his family maintain a godly testimony as they minister to the needs of the church. They have Biblical standards and desire to please the Lord in their conduct. I highly recommended Brother Chovan as an evangelist.” Pastor Charles T. Bordonaro
Northfield Baptist Church
Northfield, MA

“Brother Chovan has been greatly used of God and he sees great results. I highly recommend him as an evangelist and he will be a blessing wherever he is used. I don’t know of any evangelist who understands the military ministry more than Brother Chovan.” Dr. James V. Kennard
Baptist International Missions, Inc.
Director of Military Missions




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