








Evangelist Randy Chovan 2013 SE Asia Trip Report

Dear Faithful Supporters and Praying Friends,

We thank God upon every remembrance of you. Thank you for joining me in the ministry in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand (1 Sam. 10:26)
"And there went with him a band of men whose hearts God had touched." Although you were unable to go with me physically, we appreciate those who faithfully "join" us in prayer.


I left Phoenix, AZ, on Friday, October 25, and flew 18 hours crossing the International Date Line into Beijing, China, and on to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). I arrived on Saturday night at 11:45 PM. Four pastors, all Filipino missionaries to Vietnam, greeted me and drove me to my hotel. It was 2 AM before I could sleep and I had to be up by 5:30 to leave and travel to the first church ministry. I preached four services that Sunday in four different house churches. In service number two, pastored by Bro. Dante, we saw two Vietnamese women receive our Lord Jesus as Saviour! I then preached various church ministries through the week. Pastor Arnold, Pastor John, Pastor Dante and Pastor Larry were my main hosts for the week.

All of the churches meet in the houses of either the pastor or members. Only churches who register with the communist government are allowed to own property and put up their own building. These are mostly liberal churches who are controlled by the government. Unregistered churches meet in houses. Some of the house churches have lovely chapels within. If the singing or preaching is too loud and a neighbor complains, they call the police who come and break up the meeting. Pastor Larry moves his church from member to member to keep a step ahead of these breakups. He himself was arrested about ten years ago. Pastor John wrote after I moved on to another country stating that the police had "visited" his assembly. We wonder if my presence brought the attention of the police.

Vietnam is full of history, especially concerning the Vietnam war. I visited and crawled through the tunnels that were used so effectively to hide and maneuver Viet Cong troops. I saw the booby traps with their poisoned spikes that killed so many of our American soldiers. I visited the Mekong Delta Valley. Floods of memories came into my mind from my boyhood days as the war raged for over ten years (1964-75). I toured the presidential palace where the last president of Vietnam lived and worked until the North overran Saigon and captured the palace and president. We saw the fateful location where US helicopters tried to evacuate as many citizens as possible before the North conquered the South's capital.


I moved on to Cambodia the next week. I ministered here for two weeks over three years ago so was delighted to return. I worked with my good pastor friend, Rainier Rolda (also a Filipino missionary). Pastor Rainier pastors the amazing Bethany Baptist Church in the capital city of Phenom Phen. My whole week was preaching the Anniversary celebration and the World Missions Conference held at the church. We did see two souls saved in these services. This church is a MISSIONS minded church. They support and send out many missionaries throughout Asia.


This was my first preaching trip to Thailand. My whole week was spent preaching and teaching at Bangkok Baptist Church in the Capital city, pastored by still another missionary from the Philippines, Bro. Enrile Badua. I preached a full day of services on Sunday. Monday morning, I preached in chapel at the Christian school. The rest of the week, I taught classes in the Bible college. Every night Monday through Friday I taught 21 students a course on Personal Evangelism. Those men and women were "sponges," soaking up those blessed Bible truths. I gave a final exam on Friday night. It was a highlight of the trip! Saturday morning at 6 AM, I boarded a plane and flew out of Bangkok to China, then to Los Angeles, and arrived safely back in Phoenix Saturday afternoon. It is always fun traveling for eighteen hours but arriving only nine hours after leaving.

Although, we did not see the usual amount of "conversions" on this trip, we did have the privilege of challenging and encouraging many Believers whom we trust were strengthened in their service for our Savior. The majority of the ministry was to churches and Christians.

I was so blessed by my Lord to work with these national Filipino missionaries sent out by their churches in the Philippines. I met and worked with so many new friends. I have been invited back by each of these churches in these three countries. We rejoice at the great work our Lord is doing in reaching and teaching the souls of SE Asia. Thank you for the part the Lord used you to play in this ministry.

Our upcoming foreign trips for 2014 include Jamaica, West Indies (4 weeks), Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies (4 weeks), Brazil (3 weeks), Peru (6 weeks), Kenya (2 weeks), South Africa (1 week), Canada (2 weeks) and the USA all the weeks in between! "Brethren, Pray for us" (1 Thes. 5:24).

Your Missionary Evangelist,

The Randy Chovan Family







Dear Faithful Prayers and Supporters,

"So built we the walls, for the people had a mind to work" (Neh. 4:6).  We trust that you are joyfully involved in the work of our Lord this summer!
I left the States on May 3 to begin seven weeks of intense ministry in the islands of Japan and the Philippines.  I was so honored and privileged to work in churches seeking to win others to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I preached meetings in four military mission churches in Japan:
Lighthouse Baptist in Zama/Atsugi (Army and Navy}
Yokosuka Baptist church in Yokosuka {Navy}.  We saw six souls saved in these meetings (four Navy Sailors, a Japanese woman and a chinese woman).
Faith Baptist in Misawa (US Air Force)
Yokota Baptist in Tokyo (US Air Force).  We saw three souls saved in these meetings
I also preached meetings in two Japanese churches in Nygoya.  Pastor Tim Melton is pastor of one of these churches and his father, Pat Melton, is pastor  of the other.  This was my first time to preach in churches in Japan that were not connected to the US military!  It was indeed a cultural education and wonderful spiritual experience.  Tim Melton is supported by our home church in Huntsville, AL, and I was "sent" there to encourage and evaluate the work. 
I moved on to the Philippine Island of Luzon to work in Legaspi City with Calvary Independent Baptist Church.  This was my second time to preach there with national pastor, Robert Matamis.  He has a great ministry of pastoring and training nationals for the ministry.  They are seeking $200,000 to purchase a larger building on a much better property.  We know he would appreciate prayer for this.  We saw many professions of faith during this week as we preached at schools and in prisons!
I flew next to Davao City on the Island of Mindanao and began a full week with Nehemiah Baptist Church in Davao Del Norte.  What a busy week!  I preached five to seven full messages per day!   I started every morning at 4:30 teaching the staff and workers of the church.  I then preached to  different Municipalities (City Hall, (including the mayor, vice mayor, council members, staff), the police dept. and fire dept.)  I preached in PUBLIC high schools.  I preached at the Police Academy to 400 hundred cadets.  I preached in two different prisons.  I preached in several churches.    Again, we saw MANY profess faith in Christ in these places.
God blessed His Word overall with over 500 professions of faith.  Praise His Name!  Only He knows how many were genuine.  But now there is MUCH follow up and discipling needed as the whole Great Commission is carried out.  Pray for the on-going ministry of the churches that all of these would be followed up with baptism and discipleship.
I returned to the USA on June 22 to begin a summer and fall schedule in our own beloved country.  Thanks for prayers and support!  God bless each of you,
The Randy Chovan Family




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